September 16th, 2022

Shenfest 2022

Shenfest Sept. 24 “Imagine the Future”

     Shenfest 2022 theme is “Imagine the Future”. Shenandoah’s future is bright, and everyone is invited to celebrate Saturday September 24th.

     “This theme gives entrants in the parade a chance to look to the future to imagine the possibilities. Youth will especially have the opportunity to dream of what their future might hold,” said Shenandoah Chamber & Industry Association Marketing Director Shelly Warner. “Industry and businesses are expanding and growing in Shenandoah adding more jobs and a positive future.”

     A full day of activities is planned with the focal event, the 2 p.m. parade led by grand marshal Dr. Gary Connell, retiring Shenandoah veterinarian. An outstanding Shenandoah athlete and 1965 graduate he went on to attain his veterinarian degree from Iowa State University. He served Shenandoah livestock and pet owners for 49 years with compassion. His is a career that has had a positive impact on Shenandoah pets and their owners. He will be joined by his wife Jane of 52 years.

     Shenandoah Chamber & Industry Association at 619 W. Sheridan Avenue is accepting entries into the parade at their office or through email or by phone 712-246-3455. Entries are encouraged to send announcer comments to SCIA by email. Parade volunteers are needed on Friday late afternoon September 23 to help put out parade markers and Saturday to assist with the parade lineup at noon till the parade starts at 2 p.m. Parade entries should go to the corner of Clarinda Avenue and Center Street for parade check-in beginning at noon.  If they are late entries and haven’t given announcer comments, they can fill out a parade card there. Entries will be guided to their spot in the parade. High School and Middle School Bands lineup on Church St. and will be assisted by Shenandoah teachers. Shenandoah class reunions will be in full force in the parade this year with Mustang Homecoming the evening before.

     Following the parade marching band awards will be presented at the Everly Brother’s Childhood Home. The Everly Brothers Home will be open for tours starting at 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. 

     The Zmed Brothers of the Everly Brothers Experience will play at the Depot Restaurant following the parade. They will play Everly Brothers tunes plus much more. Later in the evening Union County Strings band will also play at the Depot.

     Shenfest day begins with the traditional Fireman’s Pancake Feed at the fire station on Sheridan Avenue 7- 10 a.m. Cost is $4 for children and $6 for adults.

      7:45 –8:15 a.m. Register for Shenandoah Medical Center Shenfest 3 Mile Fun Walk with 8 a.m. start or 3 Mile Fun Run with 8:30 a.m. state will be at Wabash Depot Sportsman’s Park. Prizes will follow the race. Entry forms can be picked up at SMC Wellness Center and SCIA.

      8:30 a.m. Alumni & Alum-not Tennis Tournament will be at Gee Park. Check in at 8 a.m. with cost $20 per team. For more information contact Mr. Daoust at Shenandoah High School   

     Forum to Revitalize Shenandoah is hosting the Priest Park games, arts, crafts, & antique vendors and food from 8 a.m. to 2 p.m. Garden City Farmers Market will also be setup at the park gazebo from 8 a.m. to noon.

    Shenandoah Education Foundation also has a fundraising golf tournament scheduled at Shenandoah Golf Course. Second annual Peter J. Weber “Swing for Education Golf Tournament” starts at 10 a.m. Fee is $100 per golfer. Register online at

     9 a.m. Shenfest Tractor Show across from Safety Center with Demos, Dash Plaques, and tractors are invited to enter the parade.

     Shenfest Car Show is a show and shine event this year running 11 a.m.-1 p.m. at 607 W Lowell Ave. There will be trophies for Best GM, Best Ford, Best Mo Par, and Best of Show Car and Truck. Sponsors are Doug Meyer Chevrolet, JB Auto Parts, Select Motors, Lance Cornelius State Farm, Earl May, and Red Oak Chrysler.

        11 a.m.-2p.m. Veterans Memorial Museum will be open at new location on 603 W. Lowell Avenue, with hot dog cookout fundraiser and DJ music outside next to the car show.

       Shenfest food court near city hall begins at 10 a.m. to parade time with DJ music. More vendors welcome. Contact SCIA 712-246-3455.

     Pre-Shenfest Events include Miss Shenandoah and Little Miss Shenandoah Pageant, Shenandoah High School Auditorium Sept. 18 at 4 p.m.

     Sept. 22, 6 p.m. “Night Out” sponsored by Eagles Club allows kids to see up close City and County Law Enforcement, Fire Dept., Rescue, Life Flight vehicles, Canine police demos, meet officers and rescue personnel, near Safety Center. They invite any businesses to join them. that evening.

     For more information visit the Shenandoah Chamber and Industry website or call 712-246-3455.

September 10th, 2022

Wabash Trace Nature Trail Marathon Volunteer Signup!







· ROAD GUARDS AT INTERSECTIONS (N. Center St., Wabash & Sheridan Ave. to Railroad St.)  3 SHIFTS 7AM-1:30PM







September 7th, 2022

Zmed Brothers Shenfest Concert at Depot

September 1st, 2022

Be Part of the 2022 Shenandoah Community Guide

Adverstise in the 2022-2024 Shenandoah Community Guidebook, published by Shenandoah Chamber & Industry Association and Valley News Today.
AD Prices:  1/8 Page (3.7'' x 2.406'') - $200

                        1/4 Page (3.7'' x 4.938'') - $300

                        1/2 Page (7.5'' x 4.938'') - $550

  Full Page (7.5'' x 10'') - $800

 Cover & Premium pages: 

    Inside Front (7.5'' x 10'') - $1,000

    Inside Back (7.5'' x 10'') - $1,000

    Back Cover (7.5'' x 10'') - $1,000

 Order deadline: 9/1/2022

 Art competed by  9/9

 Please call or text Jennifer at 402-378-0821 for more information or email
Review previous edition business directory & email changes to


August 18th, 2022

Shenfest Food Court Entry Form

Shenfest is Sept. 24th! Shenfest Food Court is ideally located along the parade route at the center of town. Flatiron Plaza area near city hall. (Sheridan Ave. & Blossom St.) Print the form and send to SCIA, 619 W. Sheridan Ave. Shenandoah!

July 29th, 2022

Blues & Brews BBQ Competition

The Forum to Revitalize Shenandoah and SCIA are proud to announce that the upcoming Shenandoah “ShenDig” Barbeque Competition has been designated as an official Qualifier event with the Kansas City Barbeque Society. To achieve this certain levels of expectations from the KCBS organization must be obtained by the local competition committee and its organizers. All of those requirements have been met and the Shenandoah “ShenDig” has achieved that designation of “Qualifier”.


With the “Qualifier” designation the “ShenDig” will have a Grand Champion that will be awarded an automatic invitation to compete at the American Royal BBQ Competition in Kansas City, will be in the lottery pool for the Jack Daniels invitational AND will be awarded an automatic invitation to the World BBQ competition in Alabama as long as that Grand Champion is a KCBS member.


The Forum to Revitalize Shenandoah is proud to accept this designation and organizers Stacy Truex and Mace Hensen credit the huge amount of support from the community for being able to achieve that designation in the first year of hosting the competition! To the community of Shenandoah and SW Iowa the Forum would like to say “Thanks You!”

July 5th, 2022

Shenandoah Summer Sidewalk Sales

Shenandoah Sizzling Summer Sidewalk Sales July 28,29, & 30th downtown and on Highway 59 corridor. Best bargains of the summer. Merchants offer sales outside and inside. 8 a.m.- 6 p.m. (Hours may very. Check your favorite store hours.)

July 5th, 2022

Wabash Arts Camp SCIA Coffee and Open House July 27

June 20th, 2022

Todd Becker, Green Plains CEO to Speak at SCIA 2022 Annual Banquet July 14th

2022 SCIA board membersTodd Becker President and Chief Executive Officer of Green Plains Inc. will be the featured speaker at Shenandoah Chamber & Industry Association’s Annual Meeting Banquet July 14. The event will be held at the Waterfalls Event Center, 907 Hartford Avenue, Farragut, IA. Mr. Becker has 33 years of extensive experience in general management, risk management, supply chain management, and operations in numerous commodity processing businesses, along with significant international experience in agricultural and energy markets. At Green Plains over the last 14 years, Todd has used his management, finance, and innovation skills to improve business performance. After executing on a full portfolio optimization plan followed by an operational improvement and cost reduction program, he has embarked the company on a Total Transformation Plan as he moves them away from commodity processing and focuses on innovation of high quality, high margin renewable and sustainable products, and feedstocks with recurring and predictable high-quality earnings streams. Mr. Becker earned a master’s degree in finance from the Kelley School of Business at Indiana University and a bachelor’s degree in Business Administration with an emphasis in Finance from the University of Kansas. Doors open 6pm and dinner will be served 6:30pm. Reservations are requested by calling 712-246-3455 or emailing Choose Rosemary Butter Chicken or Smothered Salisbury Steak catered by The Sanctuary Restaurant in Shenandoah. Other items to be served are loaded mashed potatoes, crack bacon green beans, Caesar salad, rolls, and dessert. Price is $30.00 per person. Pay at the door with check or cash. Both the Waterfalls Event Center and The Sanctuary are SCIA members. The mission of Shenandoah Chamber & Industry Association is to improve the economic vitality of Shenandoah, Page and Fremont County, to expand high paying employment opportunities, enhance Shenandoah’s retail shopping, and to support major community projects that improve our quality of life. Green Plains Inc. (NASDAQ: GPRE) is a leading biorefining company focused on the development and utilization of fermentation, agricultural, biological, and mechanical technologies in the processing of annually renewable crops into sustainable value-added ingredients and energy products. This includes the production of cleaner low carbon biofuels, renewable feedstocks for advanced biofuels and renewable diesel, and high purity alcohols for use in cleaners, disinfectants, and consumer products. Green Plains is an innovative producer of high value Ultra-High Protein and novel ingredients for animal and aquaculture diets to help satisfy a growing global appetite for sustainable proteins. Since 2007, Mr. Becker has led the company through rapid growth to become one of the largest low carbon biofuel producers in the world, with 1.1 billion gallons of operating capacity. Officials from Green Plains, Inc. recently announced plans for two new projects, a $50 million expansion to its Shenandoah facility, adding 12 new jobs to the community in its new Clean Sugar Technology facility and a partnership with the Riverence Group to form a joint venture to expand aquafeed production in Idaho. The venture will produce trout and salmon feeds for the Riverence Group, utilizing wholesome, sustainable ingredients including the 60%+ fermented protein product. The Clean Sugar Technology Patented by Fluid Quip Technologies -- which is owned by Green Plains -- CST produces low-cost dextrose and fructose through a dry milling technique and provides another product that can be produced by the existing facility. SCIA Board President is John McBride President of Bank Iowa, Bill Ditmars of KMA is Vice President,   Stephanie Osborn of Wilson Ins. is Treasurer, Matt Sells CEO of Shenandoah Medical Center, Kerri Nelson Shenandoah School Superintendent, Cory Scamman Green Plains General Manager, Aaron O’Brien Fareway Manager, John Finn Pella Corp., Amy Zwickel Shenandoah Inn & Suites Hotel, Julie O’Hara Jim Hughes Real Estate, Becky LePorte owner LePorte Electric, Lance Cornelius State Farm Insurance, Chris Clark Fremont County Supervisor, Speck Hendrickson Fremont County Representative, City liaisons Mayor Roger McQueen and City Councilman Jon Eric Brantner. Bank liaisons are John McBride Bank Iowa, Adam Wright First National Bank and Kurt Henstorf First Heritage Bank. During the past year SCIA Board of Directors have formed working committees including Housing, Economic Development, Tourism and Small Business. Shenandoah City Council recently approved the SCIA program developed by the housing committee for private housing demolition and rehabilitation. The program will help eliminate or renovate dilapidated structures and provide additional housing. SCIA Ag Committee members are Nick Bosley of United Group Insurance, Ian Isaacson of Bank Iowa, Craig Harris retired Farm Credit Services, Rusty Hunter of First Heritage Bank, Rachel Johnson of First National Bank, Steve Lorimor of Lorimor Farms, Jake McGargill of New York Life Insurance, Cale Jones of Jones Farm and Steve Richardson of Tarkio Valley Tractor Club. SCIA Ag Committee will present 3 AFA scholarships and the Friend of Ag award. AFA Scholarships are awarded to high school seniors pursuing agriculture related four-year degrees from Shenandoah, Essex and now Sidney school districts. The $4,600 scholarships are funded by local businesses and Ag Future of America. Local AFA Scholarship contributors are Bank Iowa, First Heritage Bank, KMA Radio, First National Bank, Farm Credit Services of America, Green Plains Shenandoah, Shenandoah Medical Center, Wilson Insurance, Shenandoah Inn & Suites Hotel, James and Melonie Doyle, Dan and Deb Finlay, Ed and StarAnn Kloberdanz, Steve and Kathy Lorimor, Pete & Dana Wenstrand, RocStop Cenex, Bill & Pam Ditmars, Craig & Kath Harris, O’Hara Seed, United Group Ins., McGargill Stock Farm, Jones Family Tri Tower Farms, McNeilly Garage Door Srv., Sapp Brothers, Shenandoah Chamber & Industry Association, Duane & Marylou Rexroth, Vetter Equipment and Jay Memorial Trust . Banquet sponsors are First Heritage Bank, Eyecare Associates of Southwest Iowa, KMA Radio, Miller Building, O’Hara Seed, Sapp Brothers, Wilson Insurance, Rawson Stevens Law, Shenandoah Inn & Suites Hotel, Deb & Dan Finley, and Sapp Brothers. For more information visit Shenandoah Chamber & Industry Association new website

June 7th, 2022

Everly Heritage Day Fundraising for Mural June 18

Highway Mural Artist John Cerney visited the Everly Brother's Childhood Home last week. He has been commissioned to create a mural of the Everly Brothers near Shenandoah. Fundraising for the art continues at Everly Heritage Day June 18. Read more at and

June 7th, 2022

Shenandoah Museums Observe Iowa Museum Week June 6-12, Stressing Importance to Local Economy

Iowa Museums are essential to communities, are economic contributors, serve to educate and inspire the public. Greater Shenandoah Historical Society Museum, Everly Brothers Childhood Home and Veterans Memorial Museum will be joining in a statewide celebration of Iowa’s museums by participating in Iowa Museum Week this June 6-12. Iowa Museum Week is an opportunity to promote and raise awareness of the value of museums. Iowa Museum Week is an initiative of the Iowa Museum Association (IMA), of which Everly Brothers Childhood Home and Greater Shenandoah Historical Society Museum are members. IMA Director Cynthia Sweet noted, “The IMA serves as a communication and resource hub, provides educational opportunities, and advocates on behalf of the field. It’s important that we take time to highlight the importance of museums. Museums are essential to their communities, providing employment, purchasing goods and services, and attracting businesses as well as tourism to their communities. Museums are educators, providing learning opportunities for all ages and supporting schools and other educators. The stewardship role of the museum industry is incredibly important, encompassing everything from heritage seeds and plants to wildlife to archival documents, art, and historic places.” Both the Veterans Memorial Museum and the Greater Shenandoah Historical Society Museum offer tours to Shenandoah’s youth through the school. The Historical Museum also orchestrates the Cemetery Walk in the fall. The event uses live actors to narrate about the lives of past Shenandoah citizens. Everly Brothers Childhood Home is about to celebrate their annual Everly Heritage Day June 18 with an open house fundraiser for a giant highway mural of the musical duo. The home will be open to view the Shenandoah Everly documentary movie and more 1-4 p.m. Donate online at The Everly Foundation also organizes concerts annually to keep the music by the multi-Grammy winning artists alive and remember their contributions to the formation of rock n’ roll. The National Governors Association has reported that businesses looking to relocate want access to cultural resources and museums. Sweet stated, “Museums are vital to a healthy local and state economy. Not only are they employers and consumers of goods and services, communities that are wishing to attract new business and industry invest in and support their cultural infrastructure.” Important artifacts from Shenandoah business history are on display at the Historical Museum showing what made the economy tick throughout history. Shenandoah museums give back to the community. Both the Veterans Memorial Museum and the Greater Shenandoah Historical Society Museum offer large meeting rooms to the community to rent at low rates. The Everly Childhood Home also serves as Santa’s house for children to visit during the holidays. The Everly Family Scholarship was established in 1986 after the Everly Brothers Homecoming Concert in Shenandoah they donated their $25,000 fee and several subsequent Iowa performances to establish a scholarship fund to assist Shenandoah students in grades 6th – 8th grade and high school seniors. Because of their own impoverished yet musically and artistically rich childhood, Don and Phil Everly wanted to help Shenandoah kids who have interests and dreams but need a little financial help to get there. Iowa museum factoids: • Iowa’s 400 museums range from arboretums to zoos. While museums are different in many ways, they are all educational collecting organizations. • Iowa museums offer over 60,000 public programs every year, many of them free. • By providing learning in an “active” environment, museums offer all ages unique ways to learn, fostering lifelong interests. Active learning environments such as those offered by museums allow for choice and encourage problem solving, critical thinking skills, and creativity. • The American Alliance of Museums reports that nationally the nonprofit arts and cultural industry annually generates over $135 billion in economic activity, supporting more than 4.1 million full-time jobs and returning over $22 billion in local, state, and federal tax revenue. • In Iowa the alliance reports in 2017 $384 million financial impact on the economy with 6,012 jobs, $234 million in income wages provided by museums to residents in the state. Shenandoah Chamber & Industry Association helps support the museums with local option sales tax dollars. Donations are always welcome. Shenandoah museums wish to express thanks to their many volunteers for making their spaces so interesting and available to the public. Visiting Shenandoah’s museums is the perfect activity for families during staycations and to share with visitors. For more information visit the websites and Facebook pages. Greater Shenandoah Historical Society website is and is located at 800 W Sheridan Avenue, 712-246-1669, open Wednesday through Friday 1 – 5 p.m. and Saturday 1- 4 p.m. Everly Brothers Childhood home information is at and is located at 800 W Sheridan Avenue. Contact SCIA 712-246-3455 or the Depot Restaurant 712-246-4444 to setup a tour. Veterans Memorial Museum is located at 603 W Lowell Avenue, 712-246-8057. They are open 1-4 p.m. Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays. For more information about Iowa Museums visit
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