December 28th, 2022

2023 SCIA Membership Drive

Our mission is to improve the economic vitality of the Shenandoah area, to expand high paying

employment opportunities, enhance Shenandoah's retail shopping, and to support major

community projects that improve our quality of life. 

Discover What the Future Can Hold.

Move Forward with Shenandoah Chamber & Industry Association Membership! Contact SCIA for a
membership form. 

Some recent accomplishments…...

-Green Plains Clean Sugar facility, $50 million project

-Gifted 25 acres of land for Shenandoah Bio Campus

-Community 1st  Credit Union TIF project

-Shenandoah Villa Apartments, 40 units, TIF project

-Midwest Mental Health building facilitated city incentive

-Johnson Brothers Mill rehab TIF project MALOJA LLC.

-Pella Corp. expansion, facilitated lease of 72,000 sq. ft. Shen Business Ctr. (Eaton bldg.)

-Community Based Veterans Outpatient Clinic incentive

-SWIFT high speed Internet facilitator

-Shenandoah Golf Course, facilitated city ownership

-Legacy 3 Theater recliner seating & upgrades facilitator, TIF project

· SCIA pursues successful industrial & business recruitment bringing jobs & customers to Shenandoah commerce. SCIA assists in personnel hiring.

· SCIA teams with city of Shenandoah to implement progressive strategic plans, TIF projects, city business loan proposals & makes great effort for business retention.

· SCIA Board of Directors head committees on housing, industry, small business & tourism working toward improvements in Shenandoah.

· SCIA markets Shenandoah & events thru multi-media advertising, press releases, visitors guide, website, & social media with  beautiful photos, plus monthly radio interviews covering events & timely topics.

· SCIA financially helps support nonprofits in the community, Shenandoah Community Golf Course, Veterans Military Museum, Everly Brothers Childhood Home & countless community organizations.

· SCIA organizes, & promotes community & business events: SCIA Coffees, Ribbon Cuttings, Ag Scholarships, Annual Meeting Banquet, Legislative Briefings, Christmas events, Farmer’s Market, Chamber Gift Certificates, Shenfest, & Wabash Nature Trail Marathon.






November 26th, 2022

Jingle Jam! Night the Lights Come On with Live Reindeer, Santa and Mrs. Claus

Live Reindeer & Santa featured Nov. 26 for Shenandoah Christmas Jingle Jam Night the Lights Come On

Live reindeer, Santa and Mrs.  Claus are the main attraction at the annual Night the Lights Come On Saturday November 26 downtown. Christmas Jingle Jam is the theme for this year’s event organized by Shenandoah Chamber & Industry Association. The activities are free to all and sponsored by SCIA, Community 1st Credit Union, Wilson Insurance and Legacy 3 Theater.

Jingle Jam Christmas music and hot chocolate served by the Shenandoah Forum organization will add to the festivities. From 3 to 5 p.m. children will have the opportunity to sit with Santa in his sleigh for photos next to the flatiron clock. Children can see the live reindeer and touch fur and antlers in a display. Mrs. Clause and Miss Shenandoah Carys Woolsey will pass out jingle necklaces to help ring in the holiday season. Santa and Mrs. Claus will count down to the downtown lighting at 5:30 p.m.

Stores will be open for Christmas shopping and many downtown small businesses are accepting SCIA Sno-dough payments which enable shoppers to save money and signup for a $500 drawing awarded in January.

Shenandoah Veterans Memorial Museum at 603 W Lowell Avenue will host a fundraising Soup & Pie Supper in their large meeting room from 5 p.m. to 7 p.m. They are partnering with the VFW for the supper and will accept free will donations. The museum will be open for tours also.

Mrs. Claus hosts a free Kids Christmas movie with free popcorn and pop for children Saturday December 3, 10 a.m. at Legacy 3 Theatre. Doors open at 9:30 a.m. The movie shown in all three theatres will be Polar Express. Seating is limited to 140 seats. Parents can join their small children at the theatre or drop off older children and shop Shenandoah for Christmas gifts.

December 3, 10, and 17th kids can visit Santa at the Everly Brothers Childhood Home, 800 W. Sheridan Avenue, 2-4 p.m. He will have treats and gifts for the kids. Parents are welcome to take photos.

SCIA Marketing Director Shelly Warner encourages everyone to, “See Shenandoah’s beautiful downtown Christmas lights and shop small, shop local. Christmas is an important time for the viability of small businesses and restaurants. Shenandoah is fortunate to have such a retail variety to choose from,” Warner said. “Shenandoah’s lighting is unique. Each year our downtown trees grow suspending the icicle lights higher and higher. The city goes to great effort to continue to create this magical Christmas atmosphere downtown on Sheridan Avenue.”

SCIA is partnering with Forum to Revitalize Shenandoah for a children’s event December 17 “A Day at the North Pole” in the Historical Society Building, 100 S. Maple St. The event will include breakfast with Mrs. Claus 9- 10 a.m. with stories and crafts followed by Santa’s workshop shopping for kids to purchase gifts for Mom and Dad till 1 p.m. Donations of items or dollars for the merchandise are being accepted at Sorensen Auto Plaza. There will be a festive atmosphere and elves and Santa on hand to assist. Reservations are required for breakfast and space is limited to 50 kids. Call SCIA to reserve a spot 712-246-3455. More information for all the Christmas activities at

November 18th, 2022

Breakfast with Mrs. Claus & Workshop at the North Pole

Make Your Reservations Now for Breakfast, Call 712-246-3455 or Email! Donate gentley used items or cash to Sorensen Auto Plaza for kids to gift to their parents. Elves will wrap.

November 12th, 2022

Shoppers Save thousands of $ with Sno-dough!

Sno-Dough is back in Shenandoah for the holidays.  Don’t miss the

Sno-Dough Sale, November 12th at 8 a.m.   Buy packets of $100

Sno-Dough for only $80 to spend at Shenandoah Businesses! It’s like

getting free $20 bills. Shop Small Businesses with Sno-dough and enter a

$500 drawing. Quantities are limited so hurry to the chamber on

Sheridan Avenue Nov. 12th to save through Dec. 31st. Cash sales only.

Shop local and Save big with Sno-dough in Shenandoah.

November 8th, 2022

Sno-dough List of Merchants & sponsors to spend and save!

Sno-dough saves customers thousands. Spend Sno-dough at small businesses and signup for a $500 drawing to be awarded in January. Shop Small!

November 4th, 2022

Holiday Open House Event in Stores

We need a little Christmas right this very minute! Shop Shenandoah’s Holiday open house event in stores November 4th & 5th during regular store hours. Enjoy treats and get a head start on decorating and shopping at Shenandoah Floral, County Line Design, Hansen Jewelers, Browns Shoe Fit, Paper Trail, Sheridan Decorating, Earl May Garden Center, Hineline Home Furnishings and Shenandoah Medical Center Gift Shop. A very Merry Christmas Open House in Shenandoah Friday & Saturday!

October 4th, 2022

Downtown Trick or Treating Oct. 26th

October 4th, 2022

Pick-up a Copy of New Community Guide-Book at SCIA

2022 Shenandoah Official Guide Books have arrived. Pickup a copy at SCIA 619 W. Sheridan Ave., the Shenandoah Inn & Suites, the Depot Restuarant and many other businesses in town. It everything you need to know about Shenandoah. Business location and contact info., History, Attractions, Entertainment, Shopping, Dining, Events, Recreation, Healthcare, Education, Industry, Utilities, City Services, and Map. Every resident and visitor should have one!

September 16th, 2022

Zmed Brothers after Shenfest Parade at the Depot

September 16th, 2022

Shenfest Car Show

September 16th, 2022

Shenfest 2022

Shenfest Sept. 24 “Imagine the Future”

     Shenfest 2022 theme is “Imagine the Future”. Shenandoah’s future is bright, and everyone is invited to celebrate Saturday September 24th.

     “This theme gives entrants in the parade a chance to look to the future to imagine the possibilities. Youth will especially have the opportunity to dream of what their future might hold,” said Shenandoah Chamber & Industry Association Marketing Director Shelly Warner. “Industry and businesses are expanding and growing in Shenandoah adding more jobs and a positive future.”

     A full day of activities is planned with the focal event, the 2 p.m. parade led by grand marshal Dr. Gary Connell, retiring Shenandoah veterinarian. An outstanding Shenandoah athlete and 1965 graduate he went on to attain his veterinarian degree from Iowa State University. He served Shenandoah livestock and pet owners for 49 years with compassion. His is a career that has had a positive impact on Shenandoah pets and their owners. He will be joined by his wife Jane of 52 years.

     Shenandoah Chamber & Industry Association at 619 W. Sheridan Avenue is accepting entries into the parade at their office or through email or by phone 712-246-3455. Entries are encouraged to send announcer comments to SCIA by email. Parade volunteers are needed on Friday late afternoon September 23 to help put out parade markers and Saturday to assist with the parade lineup at noon till the parade starts at 2 p.m. Parade entries should go to the corner of Clarinda Avenue and Center Street for parade check-in beginning at noon.  If they are late entries and haven’t given announcer comments, they can fill out a parade card there. Entries will be guided to their spot in the parade. High School and Middle School Bands lineup on Church St. and will be assisted by Shenandoah teachers. Shenandoah class reunions will be in full force in the parade this year with Mustang Homecoming the evening before.

     Following the parade marching band awards will be presented at the Everly Brother’s Childhood Home. The Everly Brothers Home will be open for tours starting at 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. 

     The Zmed Brothers of the Everly Brothers Experience will play at the Depot Restaurant following the parade. They will play Everly Brothers tunes plus much more. Later in the evening Union County Strings band will also play at the Depot.

     Shenfest day begins with the traditional Fireman’s Pancake Feed at the fire station on Sheridan Avenue 7- 10 a.m. Cost is $4 for children and $6 for adults.

      7:45 –8:15 a.m. Register for Shenandoah Medical Center Shenfest 3 Mile Fun Walk with 8 a.m. start or 3 Mile Fun Run with 8:30 a.m. state will be at Wabash Depot Sportsman’s Park. Prizes will follow the race. Entry forms can be picked up at SMC Wellness Center and SCIA.

      8:30 a.m. Alumni & Alum-not Tennis Tournament will be at Gee Park. Check in at 8 a.m. with cost $20 per team. For more information contact Mr. Daoust at Shenandoah High School   

     Forum to Revitalize Shenandoah is hosting the Priest Park games, arts, crafts, & antique vendors and food from 8 a.m. to 2 p.m. Garden City Farmers Market will also be setup at the park gazebo from 8 a.m. to noon.

    Shenandoah Education Foundation also has a fundraising golf tournament scheduled at Shenandoah Golf Course. Second annual Peter J. Weber “Swing for Education Golf Tournament” starts at 10 a.m. Fee is $100 per golfer. Register online at

     9 a.m. Shenfest Tractor Show across from Safety Center with Demos, Dash Plaques, and tractors are invited to enter the parade.

     Shenfest Car Show is a show and shine event this year running 11 a.m.-1 p.m. at 607 W Lowell Ave. There will be trophies for Best GM, Best Ford, Best Mo Par, and Best of Show Car and Truck. Sponsors are Doug Meyer Chevrolet, JB Auto Parts, Select Motors, Lance Cornelius State Farm, Earl May, and Red Oak Chrysler.

        11 a.m.-2p.m. Veterans Memorial Museum will be open at new location on 603 W. Lowell Avenue, with hot dog cookout fundraiser and DJ music outside next to the car show.

       Shenfest food court near city hall begins at 10 a.m. to parade time with DJ music. More vendors welcome. Contact SCIA 712-246-3455.

     Pre-Shenfest Events include Miss Shenandoah and Little Miss Shenandoah Pageant, Shenandoah High School Auditorium Sept. 18 at 4 p.m.

     Sept. 22, 6 p.m. “Night Out” sponsored by Eagles Club allows kids to see up close City and County Law Enforcement, Fire Dept., Rescue, Life Flight vehicles, Canine police demos, meet officers and rescue personnel, near Safety Center. They invite any businesses to join them. that evening.

     For more information visit the Shenandoah Chamber and Industry website or call 712-246-3455.

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