April 4th, 2023
Disability Awareness Walk May 6
May 6th Shenandoah Disability Awareness Walk “A Bridge to Understanding” Seeks Sponsors, Walkers, & Volunteers
Shenandoah Chamber & Industry Association (SCIA) along with Nishna Productions, Inc. (NPI) and the Depot Restaurant are restarting the Shenandoah Disability Awareness Walk “A Bridge to Understanding” May 6 on the Wabash Trace Nature Trail. Participants are encouraged to register with a signed waiver. Entry forms are available at SCIA, NPI, and the Depot Restaurant.
The walk, which will start at 1 p.m., is for all ages and all abilities. This free regional event begins at the Sportsman’s Park Wabash Depot next to the Wabash Trace Nature Trail. Walkers will travel approximately a mile to the big bridge over the Nishnabotna River and back. Gatorade and water will be available at the bridge. The trail can accommodate wheelchairs and a few golf carts will be available for assistance.
The first 150 participants to finish the 2-mile walk/ride will receive a Bridge to Understanding medallion. Participants are also encouraged to wear their “Bridge to Understanding” t-shirts from previous years.
The after-party will be at the Depot Restaurant,101 Railroad St., beginning at approximately 2 p.m. and features hot dogs, chips, cookies, and Depot brewed root beer floats, as well as live music under the big tent. Door prizes will be drawn from participant entry forms. Union County Strings band will perform a free concert.
There are many opportunities for volunteers to participate in this event. Ideally, volunteers may be partnered one-on-one with an individual with disabilities to walk on the trail. “This is an excellent opportunity for members of the community to interact and engage in a fun way with individuals with disabilities. The hope is to build foundations for friendships and to truly create ‘a bridge to understanding,” said NPI Development Specialist Emily Martin.
Volunteers are needed to pass out beverages at the half-way point and medallions at the finishing line and to assist with setup/cleanup. At the after-party, volunteers may assist with the food line and root beer floats. Golf carts and drivers are also needed. Contact SCIA to sign-up to volunteer 712-246-3455, chamber@sciaiowa.com.
Sponsors are needed to help with costs. Door prizes or monetary donations would be appreciated. So far contributors are SCIA, NPI, Depot Deli, Fareway, and HyVee. Contact SCIA at 712-246-3455 or chamber@sciaiowa.com if your organization or business can help.
“Everyone from the surrounding area is welcome to participate in this special event,” said SCIA Marketing Director Shelly Warner. “It’s a fun, rewarding afternoon of interaction, music, and exercise on the Wabash Trace Nature Trail.”

March 9th, 2023
Lemon Fresh Laundry Ribbon Cutting Grand Opening
Lemon Fresh Laundry Grand Opening, SCIA Ribbon Cutting March 9
Shenandoah has entered a new era of modern laundry with the grand opening of Lemon Fresh Laundry downtown. Shenandoah Chamber & Industry will commemorate the advancement with a Ribbon Cutting at 10 a.m. Thursday March 9th. Open house with coffee, refreshments, and snacks will follow until noon.
The spacious Lemon Fresh Laundry is located at 601 W. Sheridan Avenue at the corner lot that was vacant for 9 years after a dilapidated building was torn down by the city. Owners Brad and Tammy Sorensen purchased the property from the city to build the new business and fill the vacant space on Shenandoah’s main street.
When entering the well lite facility patrons are surrounded by glass and shiny silver metallic wall mounted washing machines and dryers. They operate with cash or by debit or credit card through http://Dexterpay.com. There are large machines that can wash multiple king-sized bedspreads.
Kathy Silvestre is manager of the facility which is open 6 a.m. to 10 p.m. daily. Doors open and lock automatically. The business contact number is 712-215-2249.
February 21st, 2023
2023 Chocolate Walk Winners
Congratulations to all the Shenandoah Chocolate Walk Winners. Grand Prize winner of the Shenandoah Inn & Suites Hotel package was Brandy Powers of Shenandoah pictured here with Carys Woolsey Miss Shenandoah and Shenandoah Marketing Director Shelly Warner who conducted the drawings at The Sanctuary Restaurant February 9. Shenandoah businesses and SCIA donated over $1,200 in prizes and gift certificates to participants.
Grand Prize Shenandoah Inn & Suites (stay & gifts)- Brandy Powers
Depot Restaurant (2 Gift CARDS)- Joni McGinnis, Doris Sandahl
Sheridan Decorating (Gift Certificate)- Kelsi Leininger
Brown’s Shoe Fit (2 $25 Gift Cards)-Jessica DeBord, Brandy Powers
Paper Trail ($10 GIFT Certificate)- Kim Leininger
Angel Care Home Health (Cake, cookbook basket)-Mandie Rhodes
The Sanctuary (Tea/Cider Mixes)-Travis Roberts, Carol Damman, Takara
Hineline Home Furnishings (Throw Blanket)-Bonny Schepler
County Line Design (Mugs, bath bombs)- Jan Gardner
Shenandoah Floral (Gift certificate)- Zoey Roberts
Hansen Jewelers (Pearl earrings)- Shari Bradfield
SMC Grift Shop (Valentine gnome, photo holder– Liz Skillern
Serenity Studio Floral (Soap, certificate, lotion)- Cindy Arman
Hy-Vee (Chocolate covered Strawberries)- Chelsie Pope
Scooters Coffee (Coffee, mug, gift card)- Robert Gardner
Legacy 3 Theater (2 gift cards)- Diane Wilson, Jean Debban
Sheri’s Restaurant (gift certificate)-Chrissy Barker
Nishna Valley Café (2 gift certificates)- Liz Skillern, Diane Wilson
Healthy Tails Retreat (bag of dog treats)- Helen Bishop
Fareway (bottle of wine)- Kris Sherman
Orscheln Farm & Home (earrings, gift card)- Kim Leininger
Earl May Garden Ctr. ($25 Gift card)- Shari Bradfield
Subway ($10 gift card)- Chelsie Pope
Pizza Hut (2 pizza gift certificates)- Carys Woolsey, Chelsie Pope
EL Porton Mexican Grill (5-$20 Gift certificates)- Kelsie Leininger, Bonnie Schepler, Zoey Roberts, Helen Bishop, Jean Debban
SCIA (chamber bucks, $25, $50, $75, $100)- Brandy Powers, Travis Roberts, Takara, Carol Dammann
Congratulations to all the winners! Thanks for Shopping Shenandoah. Happy Valentines Day!
February 9th, 2023
2023 Chocolate Walk Feb. 9th with Over 40 Prizes
More Sweets, More Prizes in 2023
Shenandoah Chocolate Walk February 9
Celebrate the Valentine Day holiday with the Shenandoah Chocolate Walk Thursday February 9th. Shenandoah Chamber & Industry Association businesses are giving shoppers an opportunity to indulge in chocolate treats and win prizes.
All day shoppers will not only find winter bargains in stores but can also enjoy all kinds of chocolate at participating businesses. Shoppers will pick-up entry forms in stores for the drawing of over 40 prizes including items and gift certificates. More entry forms will be given with purchases. Shenandoah Chamber & Industry Association is offering $25, $50, $75, and $100 in Chamber Gift Certificates. Among the other prizes offered are a stay in a suite at Shenandoah Inn & Suites Hotel. Shoppers must bring entry forms to The Sanctuary Restaurant starting at 5 p.m. to enter and must be present to win. Drawings will begin at 6:30 p.m.
The Sanctuary Restaurant at 207 S Elm St. is hosting the Chocolate Walk Party with free appetizers, Chocolate Walk logo mugs (100 available), and wine sampling from 5-7 p.m. Meals will be offered from the regular menu. Several Valentine design t-shirts can be purchased at County Line Design, 506 W Sheridan Avenue.
Shop the Chocolate Walk, sample chocolate, and pickup entry forms in stores February 9 at these SCIA Businesses: Depot Restaurant 101 Railroad Street, Paper Trail 709 W Sheridan Avenue, Hansen Jewelers 603 W Sheridan Avenue, Angel Care Home Health 717 W Sheridan Avenue, Shenandoah Inn & Suites Hotel 620 W Sheridan Avenue, Shenandoah Floral 514 W Sheridan Avenue, County Line Design 506 W Sheridan Avenue, Hineline Home Furnishings 1215 W Nishna Road, and The Sanctuary Restaurant 207 S Elm Street, Serenity Studio Flowers & Spa 110 S Elm Street, Brown’s Shoe Fit Store 611 W Sheridan Avenue, Shenandoah Medical Center Gift Shop 300 Pershing Avenue, Sheridan Decorating 1204 W Sheridan Avenue.
More prizes provided by SCIA businesses: Hy-Vee, Subway, Legacy 3 Theatre, Scooters Coffee, Sheri’s Restaurant, Nishna Valley Café, Healthy Tails Retreat, Pizza Hut, Orscheln Farm & Home Supply, Earl May Garden Center, Fareway, El Porton Mexican Grill, and SCIA.
“Chocolate Walk is a promotion that Shenandoah SCIA businesses have participated in since 2014. It’s a fun way to celebrate Valentines and an opportunity for businesses to show appreciation to customers for shopping in Shenandoah,” said SCIA Marketing Director Shelly Warner. “It’s an event that gets people into the businesses to checkout winter sale merchandise and breaks up the long winter days with a fun party with friends.” Contact SCIA for more information or stop by the SCIA office at 619 W Sheridan Avenue to pick-up a list of the participating stores. It will also be posted the Shenandoah Chamber & Industry Association facebook and website www.sciaiowa.com.

February 3rd, 2023
Apply Now for SCIA AFA Scholarship
Shenandoah Chamber and Industry Association Ag Committee and Agriculture Future of America join forces each year to support an agricultural scholarship program. Applications are now being accepted online at the website www.agfuture.org under the Community Scholarship tab through March 9, 2023.
This year the SCIA Ag Committee will award up to two scholarships. AFA matches community funds, now being raised by the SCIA Ag Committee, to offer $4,450 in each scholarship, including $3,200 academic scholarship and $1,250 to cover the AFA Leaders Conference expenses in Kansas City the following November.
Qualified applicants are Shenandoah, Sidney or Essex high school seniors who will pursue a degree in agriculture or any related field at an accredited college or university. Many majors qualify if they will be applied to the agriculture industry, such as…business, chemistry, horticulture, animal science, education, computer science etc.
The application process also includes an essay sharing the applicant’s personal vision for agriculture and why their interest in an agricultural career. An interview will be conducted soon after March 9th at the SCIA office, 619 W. Sheridan Avenue. Applications must be posted online by March 9th so they can set up interview times. The link to the application is http://www.agfuture.org then click on the community partner scholarship.
The goal of the AFA Scholarship is to identify students with strong potential. Students are also scored on community service and citizenship, activities, work experience, family need, references, grade point (3.0 and above) and student rank. The Essay has the greatest weight in scoring applicants.
The Scholarship winners will be announced at the SCIA Annual Meeting and Ag Banquet to be held later in the spring. SCIA Ag Committee members are now gathering donations for the Agriculture Future of America scholarship. Agriculture Future of America Foundation provides $2,000 to match $2,450 raised locally for each scholarship. Businesses and individuals that wish to contribute should contact SCIA at 246-3455, chamber@sciaiowa.com or drop off a check. Checks should be made to Greater Shenandoah Foundation.

January 19th, 2023
Sno-dough Drawing Winner Announced
Winner of the Shenandoah Chamber & Industry Association Small Business Sno-dough Drawing is Mary Whitehill of Farragut. SCIA Marketing Director Shelly Warner presented Mary the prized of $500 in Chamber Gift Certificates January 14.
The drawing was designed to encourage Sno-dough purchasers to spend it at small business. They had the opportunity to spend it at 21 different Shenandoah small businesses. The Sno-dough promotion captured $41,885 for holiday shopping in Shenandoah. Mary can now spend the $500 in gift certificates at over 70 SCIA businesses.
January 6th, 2023
2023 Wabash Trace Nature Trail Marathon Planning Underway

January 4th, 2023
2023 Legislative Briefings Begin Saturday Jan. 28 with New Legislators for Shenandoah
Shenandoah Chamber and Industry Association hosts State Legislative Briefings each year for constituents to meet with legislators. This year Shenandoah is represented by two new legislators partly due to new districting boundaries. Senator Tom Shipley, district 11, and Representative Tom Moore, district 2, will now represent Shenandoah in the Iowa State Legislature. Saturday January 28th, 8 a.m. at the Shenandoah Safety Center Bricker Community Room, 400 W. Sheridan Avenue is the first Legislative Briefing of the 2023 session.
This is the first of the series of three question and answer sessions with state legislators. Other dates are February 25 and March 25, each beginning at 8 a.m. This is an opportunity for legislators to brief the public on what is happening in the Iowa Legislature, answer questions, and hear concerns. Pastries and coffee will be served at each session.