April 19th, 2024

E-cycling Event 2024 at Pella Corp. April 19th

Electronic recycleing for Shenandoah residents and businesses at the south lot of Pella Corp. 1500 Hwy 59 April 19th 3-5p.m. . Sponsored by Pella Corp. Lloyd Inc. & City of Shenandoah. Donations accepted, business charge is a minimum of $5 per monitor. For more info. call 712-246-4170. Items accepted are comuter monitors, PCs, TVs, printers, VCRs, video gam systems, cameras, cell phones, keyboards, laptops,  DVD players, small household applicances (toasters, blenders, coffee makers). Items not accepted are Microwaves, large appliances, tires, motors, oil, paint, light bulbs, ballasts. Proceeds will be given to Shenandoah Middle School Environmental Awareness Programs.

April 11th, 2024

Depot Thirsty Thursday Music Startup

Thursday April 11, 6 p.m. Opening Concert for Thirsty Thursdays Live Music at the Depot Deli under the big yellow tent at 101 RailRoad St. Music continues each Thursday and some Saturdays throughout the summer till October. Concerts are free and food inside and out is available for purchase.

April 1st, 2024

Sugar Makery SCIA Ribbon Cutting Grand Opening

Sugar Makery, Shenandoah Iowa is preparing for a Monday April 1st SCIA Ribbon Cutting and Grand Opening at their newest location 708 S. Fremont St. 10:30 a.m. Join us for the colorful celebration. They have been adding on and renovating the building with many local vendors and contractors. We are excited to unveil all sweets they have to offer our community. Coffee and Sugar Makery sweets will be served.

March 27th, 2024

Once Again SCIA Grand Opening Ribbon Cutting

March 27, 2 p.m. Join SCIA for a Grand Opening Ribbon Cutting at Once Again, Shenandoah's new upscale consignment shop with brand name fashions and handmade jewelry. 517 W Sheridan Ave. Coffee and a snack will ber served.

February 21st, 2024

Apply Now for SCIA AG AFA Scholarship

      Shenandoah Chamber and Industry Association Ag Committee and Agriculture Future of America join forces each year to support an agricultural scholarship program. Applications are now being accepted online at the website under the Community Scholarship tab through March 6, 2023.

     This year the SCIA Ag Committee will award up to two scholarships. AFA matches community funds, now being raised by the SCIA Ag Committee, to offer $4,450 in each scholarship, including $3,200 academic scholarship and $1,250 to cover the AFA Leaders Conference expenses in Kansas City the following November.

     Qualified applicants are Shenandoah, Sidney or Essex high school seniors who will pursue a degree in agriculture or any related field at an accredited college or university. Many majors qualify if they will be applied to the agriculture industry, such as…business, chemistry, horticulture, animal science, education, computer science etc.

    The application process also includes an essay sharing the applicant’s personal vision for agriculture and why their interest in an agricultural career. An interview will be conducted soon after March 6th at the SCIA office, 619 W. Sheridan Avenue. Applications must be posted online by March 6th so they can set up interview times. The link to the application is then click on the community partner scholarship.

    The goal of the AFA Scholarship is to identify students with strong potential. Students are also scored on community service and citizenship, activities, work experience, family need, references, grade point (3.0 and above) and student rank. The Essay has the greatest weight in scoring applicants.

    The Scholarship winners will be announced at the SCIA Annual Meeting and Ag Banquet to be held later this summer. SCIA Ag Committee members are now gathering donations for the Agriculture Future of America scholarship. Agriculture Future of America Foundation provides $2,000 to match $2,450 raised locally for each scholarship. Businesses and individuals that wish to contribute should contact SCIA at 246-3455, or drop off a check. Checks should be made to Greater Shenandoah Foundation.

February 8th, 2024

Everly Brothers Program at Historical Museum

Sunday February 18, 2 p.m. Bill Hillman, head of the Shenandoah Everly Brothers Childhood Home Foundation, will present a program about the Everly history in Shenandoah and the Everly Brothers Childhood Home in the Delmonico Room, 100 S. Maple St. entrance of the Greater Shenandoah Historical Museum.

January 29th, 2024

Shenandoah Chocolate Walk Feb. 8th

Annual Shenandoah Chocolate Walk is February 8th. Shop, sample chocolate, pickup drawing entry forms in businesses. Bring entries to drawing party at THE SANCTUARY 5-7pm. 

Drawing includes $100’s in SCIA Chamber Bucks, Prizes from businesses including a stay at Shenandoah Inn & Suites Hotel! DRAWINGS begin at 6:30pm. MUST BE PRESENT TO WIN!

FREE Appetizers & Logo Chocolate Bars  handmade by the Sugar Makery to 1st 100 & Hot Cocoa Mugs  to 1st 50 attending, sample wines, order from menu. Purchase Valentine T’s at County Line Design.

AS YOU SHOP PICKUP ENTRY FOR PRIZES TO BRING TO THE DRAWING PARTY AT:  Shenandoah Inn & Suites, The Sanctuary, US Cellular Advantage, Depot Restaurant, Angel Care Home Health, SMC Gift Shop, Serenity Studio Flowers & Spa, Paper Trail, County Line Design, Earl May Garden Center, Shenandoah Floral, Healthy Tails Retreat, Brown’s Shoe Fit.

MORE PRIZES FROM: HyVee, Fareway, Shenandoah Chamber & Industry Association,

Pizza Hut, Legacy 3 Theaters, Little Waite Lanes, Wal-Mart, El Porton Mexican Grill, Tractor Supply.

Sponsored by Shenandoah Chamber & Industry Association





January 11th, 2024

Jan. 25, 10am-Noon - SMC Open House Robert S. Holmes Family Cancer Center

Shenandoah Medical Center Open House Robert S. Holmes Family Cancer Center, nurses’ station, nursery, and the retail pharmacyJanuary 25, 10 am-Noon. Refreshments will be provided for all guests. 

January 4th, 2024

Shenandoah Tractor Supply Grand Opening Saturday

January 6th Shenandoah Tractor Supply Grand Opening, 524 S Fremont St. SCIA Ribbon Cutting at 9 a.m. The store will give away Five $500 Gift Cards to local nonprofit organizations! Live KCSI Remote 11a.m. – 1p.m.

December 21st, 2023

Merry Christmas from SCIA

December 21st, 2023

2024 SCIA Membership

Join Shenandoah Chamber & Industry Association now for membship benefits. Our mission is to improve the economic vitality of the Shenandoah area, to expand high paying employment opportunities, enhance Shenandoah's retail shopping, and to support major community projects that improve our quality of life. Contact SCIA to revieve a membership form at 619 W Sheridan Avenue, Shenandoah, IA, 712-246-3455,


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